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首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品中心 > 品牌 > 代理 > ZeptoMetrix標準品代理


簡(jiǎn)要描述:北京百奧創(chuàng )新代理ZeptoMetrix 在中國的業(yè)務(wù)。ZeptoMetrix 代理,ZeptoMetrix 代理,ZeptoMetrix 華東代理,ZeptoMetrix 華北代理,ZeptoMetrix 華中代理,ZeptoMetrix 華南代理 ZeptoMetrix標準品代理

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:型號齊全
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):代理商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-02-29
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:3197

北京百奧創(chuàng )新代理ZeptoMetrix 在中國的業(yè)務(wù)。ZeptoMetrix 代理,ZeptoMetrix 代理,ZeptoMetrix  華東代理,ZeptoMetrix 華北代理,ZeptoMetrix 華中代理,ZeptoMetrix 華南代理


At ZeptoMetrix, we’ve always understood that research success requires a team approach. That is why our Mission to be “a Partner to Our Customer" remains the focal point as we, together with our Partners, change the global infectious disease diagnostic industry for the better. Today, we proudly provide our Partners with a variety of innovative and trusted products and services.ZeptoMetrix標準品代理


0801021– Zika  (PRVABC59) Strips (10/tube) 0801022– Zika  (MR-766) Strips (10/tube)

NATFVP(XP)-C– NATtrol Influenza Verification Panel (18 x 0.5mL) 0810452CF -Respiratory Syncytial Virus Type A (RSV-A) (Strain: 12/2014 Isolate #2) Culture Fluid (1 mL) 0810482CF – Respiratory Syncytial Virus Type A (RSV-A) (Strain: 3/2015 Isolate #3) Culture Fluid (1 mL)

0810529- Human Herpes Virus Type 6A (HHV-6A) (Strain: GS) Lysate (1 mg)

Catalog# 0810508CF Influenza B (Brisbane/36/12) Culture Fluid (1 mL) Released 10/05/2016 Catalog# 0810513CF Influenza A H3N2 (Stockholm/6/14) Culture Fluid (1 mL) Released 10/05/2016 Catalog# 0810512CF Influenza A H3N2 (South Australia/55/14) Culture Fluid (1 mL) Released 10/05/2016 Catalog# 0810515CF Influenza B (Phuket/3073/13) Culture Fluid (1 mL) Released 10/05/2016 Catalog# 0810507CF Influenza B (Brisbane/3/07) Culture Fluid

801002HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix
801198Bovine IgG ELISA (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix
801002HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix
801197Human IgA ELISA (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix 
801197Human IgA ELISA (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix
801183Human IgM ELISA (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrix
NATNOVI-6MCNATtrol Norovirus GI Positive Control 6 x 0.125mLzeptometrix 
NATNOVII-6MCNATtrol Norovirus GII Positive Control 6 x 0.125mLzeptometrix 
801002HIV Type 1 p24 Antigen ELISA 2.0 (96 Determinations)ZeptoMetrixEa
HBV6284HBV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62347Zeptometrix1 mL
NATNOV-6MCNATtrol Norovirus GI/GII Positive ControlZeptometrix6x 0.125 ml
HIV9012HIV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 65389 (8 specimens 1 mL)zeptometrix8*1ml
HIV9075HIV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 62216 (5 specimens 1 mL)zeptometrix5*1ml
HIV9081HIV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 63215 (4 specimens 1 mL)zeptometrix4*1ml
HIV9096HIV Seroconversion Panel Donor# 1043487 (6 specimens 1 mL)zeptometrix6*1ml


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